Lieutenant General William C. Wilson

Lieutenant General William C. Wilson

Lieutenant General William C. Wilson served over 40 years in the United States Army and Texas Military Department from 1947 through 1993, culminating in his appointment as the Adjutant General of Texas. His service was characterized by his devotion to duty, selfless service, and leadership. General Wilson began his distinguished service to the nation when he enlisted in the Arkansas Army National Guard in October of 1947. In May of 1953, he enlisted in the Texas Army National Guard, and obtained the rank of First Sergeant of a mechanized infantry company before receiving his commission in August of 1957.

General Wilson led Soldiers at all levels from platoon through battalion prior to 1978 and was then transferred to the division headquarters as the G2, 49th Armored Division. In August of 1981, he was assigned as Brigade Commander, Third Brigade, 49th Armored Division. In 1984, he was assigned as Chief of Staff of the division and in June of 1985, he was assigned as Assistant Division Commander, Maneuver. On 24 April 1989, Governor Bill Clements appointed him as the full time Adjutant General of Texas and promoted him to the rank of Major General.

While appointed as the Adjutant General of Texas, He was responsible for the combat readiness of the 49th Armored Division and several non-divisional organizations. LTG Wilson helped significantly improve the areas of personnel strength, military occupational specialty qualifications, physical fitness, and mission capability. The Texas Army and Air National Guard remained above 90% of authorized strength throughout General Wilson's tenure. During mid 1990’s, General Wilson tasked BG John C.L. Scribner with the responsibility of establishing the Texas Military Forces Museum which now bears BG Scriber's name. The museum was formally opened on 14 November 1992.

In 1990, General Wilson deployed multiple organizations within the Texas National Guard in support of Operation Desert Storm. The 149th Personnel Services Battalion and 3rd Battalion 141st Infantry directly supported units at Ft. Hood while the 149th Aviation and 136th Airwing were involved in combat missions in the middle east.

In November of 2001, he became a member of the Texas Committee of the Employer Support of the National Guard and Reserve and served until March of 2018. After retiring he continued to serve the Texas Military Department through his involvement with the Employer Support of the Guard and Reserve and National Guard Association of Texas serving as an advocate for Guardsmen benefits and force structure equipment and facilities through legislative efforts.

General Wilson’s reputation for excellence and readiness translated in all units across the State of Texas. He will forever be remembered for his legacy and lifetime of selfless service to Texas and this great nation.

Texas Army National Guard


Lieutenant General William C. Wilson